Frequently Asked Questions

What source types does Aperture support?
Currently Aperture can crawl file systems (including shared network drives and removeable media), websites and IMAP mail boxes. Additionally there are crawlers for MicrosoftOutlook (extracts calendar events, emails and addresbook entries), Mozilla Thunderbird (addressbook entries) and Apple Addressbook.

Which file formats does Aperture support?
See the page on Extractors for a list of file formats, their dependencies and remarks regarding their quality.

What is the minimum required Java version?
Aperture's APIs are all compatible with Java 1.4.2, i.e. no generics or other Java 5 language features are used. Some API implementations may require Java 5 though, so when you are using Aperture with all its implementations, Java 5 is the minimum required version. Aperture runs fine with Java 6.

To be significantly extended...
Got questions you'd like to see answered here? Please post them on the aperture-devel mailing list!